Experienced Estate Planning Attorney in Florida

If you’re single, you have a unique opportunity to shape your life on your own terms. Singles often thrive by building strong careers, cultivating meaningful relationships, and making decisions that align with their goals and values. But with that independence comes the responsibility to protect what you’ve worked so hard to achieve, especially when it comes to estate planning.


Why Estate Planning matters for Singles?

Even if you don’t consider yourself wealthy, you are your estate. The law requires every adult to designate who will make decisions on their behalf if they become incapacitated. Without a plan, a probate judge will appoint someone for you. This guardianship process is costly, time-consuming, and a burden for your loved ones. Worse, it opens your private matters to public scrutiny.

Proper estate planning allows you to choose a trusted person to handle these critical decisions, avoiding unnecessary court involvement. It protects your autonomy and ensures that your wishes are followed if an unexpected illness or accident leaves you unable to act.

What happens without a plan?

If you pass away without an estate plan, your assets will be distributed according to your state’s default laws. These “one-size-fits-all” rules don’t account for your unique relationships, values, or goals. This impersonal process may result in outcomes that go against your wishes, leaving your loved ones with unintended consequences.

Creating a plan tailored to you

By working with me, you can replace the state’s generic plan with one designed specifically for your circumstances and priorities. I’ll help you create a personalized strategy that aligns with your wishes, protects your assets, and avoids unnecessary legal headaches. I also ensure that your beneficiary designations for life insurance and retirement accounts complement your estate plan, preventing surprises down the road.

Estate planning isn’t just for couples or families—it’s for anyone who values control over their future. Let’s work together to create a plan that works for you.

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